[2024-09-16 04:22:52 UTC]
Today as put down in the title was a mixed bag. There wasn't a lot of things of note. Still Monday has remained a tough day for me to stay focused and on task. Even with that I was able to chomp at work a bit & even tackled a few "non-work" tasks.
After work was supposed to have finished some tasks for local political party but wasn't able to do as much as I needed to. Still got out a volunteer text but failed to get hold of the state executive or office which needs to be done. Have a lot of tasks to finish but hoping that is still possible to get everything done in time.
Was able to automate the daily devotional seciton of the capusle. Should call that some kind of victory. Simplified the project just to use the text that is in the BCP for daily devitional instead of trying to pull frrm Venite.app. Just plain jane not much changing kind of thing. Sorry that my webscrapping skills aren't up to task everyone. This method of just pulling the changing parts from text files helps with not needing to go back & fix formatting. Then that gets me some peace of mind enough to cronjob the process. Started to work on automating DayofWeek after the X Sunday after X. A little rough but should have it polished soon. Maybe I will get to know litgury better as well as programming so to offer plain text service. Like getting better at faith to get better at coding. All the help that I can get is appreciated.
Wanted to do more on my personal stuff like learning, reading, and even some more tasks with this gemini capsule. Got a couple of things done but probably not as much as I should.
Missed this weekend that Hackaday covered 'small web' again. This time focusing on Tildeverse. So glad to see all this continued support. Hoping it keeps gaining traciton even if a lot of Geminispace is filled with archives frozen in time. Still great to have this continue interest and drive to explore something different than what "commerical" web. My wife isn't on board still yet but was telling me that Neocities might be her jam. She isn't onboard with creating a site but enjoying the content, style, and community. With her using Tumblr somewhat, she recognized a few Tumblr accounts with a Neocities prescence.
Probably going to read up on Cyberpunk 2077 RED because I need to get that setup with my boy & then play the Hackaday Youtube video talking about Tildeverse. That will be the end of the day for me. That is it for me so beam me over a message on Mastodon. That reminds me that I'd like to get to the bottom of figuring out certs with terminal based Gemini browsing. Would be wise to join one of the Gemini communities so mastodon isn't the only way to reach out. Add that to the list of Todos with this capsule so that I ain't floating out here alone all the time.
Good Night!