21-01-2024 The art of poking holes

I ended up visting the piercing studio anyway last thursday. after eating small bits of fruit and drinking green tea all day, and having a bowl of rice and chicken for dinner, I felt a lot better than I did in the morning, but still a little nauseous. Just a little.

When I got my rook pierced, I had made sure to eat and drink enough before getting pierced, since that is usually what piercers advise you to do. The rook piercing hurt like the 5th circle of hell, and I felt a little light in my head when I got up from the chair. I really hoped the industrial piercing I had planned for that day wasn't going to hurt as much.

I took an early train to make sure I'd make it on time (the only piercing studio in my hometown with a trustworthy-looking website was fully booked for the next two weeks). I arrived at the shop a fashionably 15 minutes early. I was asked to sit in a waiting area with some comfortable, yet somewhat cheap looking chairs and a sofa. The piercer appeared a few minutes later. "You wanted an idustrial piercing, right?" she asked. I said yes. She studied my ear for a bit, then got a worried look on her face.

She explained to me that my ear's anatomy wasn't suitable for an industrial piercing, the bar would press into the ear too much, eventually damaging the cartilage. "I have the same problem", she said, "I can't have them either. But I can pierce something else for you, if you'd like." I asked for a helix piercing instead.

Getting my helix pierced hurt, but not nearly as much as my rook. It all went fairly quickly, as it normally does. After putting in the jewel and cleaning up, she gave me the usual aftercare talk, gave me a bottle of saline solution to take home, and told me to come back within 1-2 months to get the piercing downsized.

I had to run to catch the train back again, and arrived home at a reasonable 8 pm. Might visit this shop again.