sergeeo's personal capsule

Lack of Energy

I'm not feeling too well lately. I feel pretty productive, but life demands too much energy from me and I don't know how sustainable it is to keep up with it: the new game I'm working on, taking care of my little boy, trying to be a decent person to live with, keeping up with family life, guitar lessons, etc. I find that going to bed very early is the best answer I can give most days. Days that, by the way, are very short right now.... That doesn't help either!

Neither does the bad news at the political level, nor the weather emergencies we are suffering in the country. I can't get emotionally involved in reading too much news, because it takes its toll on me. It is a bit desperate to think, not only about all the destruction that has occurred and the human and material losses, but also the fact that it is something that can happen again at any time, even more than once in the same year. Terrible.

Back to a more everyday topic: my free time is for rest, so I have very little time for entertainment, and I barely have time to enjoy some fiction.... I'm just watching DanDaDan (I'm loving it) and reading a bit of the new Video Girl Ai volumes that are coming out every few months. I've also watched, over the course of about three weeks, the Achtsam Morden series, which has been pretty fun.

It's going to be a pretty intense final stretch of the year. I hope that health and inspiration will be with me.

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