It was early years of the second age. A young, naive hobbit was training to become a craftsman and a designer of objects of the mechanical nature. He was given a brand new Thinkpad by his parents. Unfortunately for this hobbit who did not yet know the perils that lie ahead. He never had the opportunity to have his own computer. As the fate played a cruel joke upon him, and his brand new laptop garnished with the red dot in the middle, which looked like the cherry on the top of a black velvet, came with something called "scene of a vista through the window". It was a nice looking scenario but it got old as soon as the young hobbit realised the fallacy of the of this scene. It was consuming a lot of resources just to look pretty. And worst of all his computer soon got sick with a flu of some sort, upon closer inspection it was a virus that infiltrated the defences of glass window.
This was the last straw. But young hobbit did not know any other choices but to look at the same scene everyday through the same window.
One fateful day he was reading in his favourite nook of the library. The librarian was refreshing the selection of the educational magazines on various topics such as electronic circuits, architecture and something called Linux magazine. The curious mind of the hobbit dragged him towards that stand of magazines and he picked up a glossy magazine with a curious bird on the front covers. There was a shiny disc hidden in the pocket of the back cover with a spiral red symbol which looked like the following crude representation.
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And the young hobbit was intrigued by the bird and the shiny disc. He borrowed the magazine and the disc and went back to his nook to read the magazine. The magazine was full of stories of people who were using the shiny disc to fight the evil of the windows and gates. The hobbit was intrigued by the stories and he decided to try the shiny disc on his laptop. He went back to his room and inserted the disc into the laptop. The laptop booted up and the hobbit was greeted by a friendly looking bird. The bird was called Tux and it was the guardian of the shiny disc. The hobbit was amazed by the speed and the beauty of the shiny disc. He explored the disc and found many useful tools and applications. He was able to create beautiful designs and objects with the help of the shiny disc. He was able to connect with other hobbits and share his creations with them. He was able to learn new things and improve his skills. He was able to fight the evil of the windows and gates and protect his laptop from the viruses and the malware. The hobbit was happy and content with the shiny disc. He had found a new home in the world of Linux. 🐧 🐧 🐧