Small thoughts that would be a waste of files to put on their own page


i really dislike how people have taken to using "weird" as the new insult word for conservatives. its usage implies that the reason why conservatives are bad is just that their behaviour is outside the social norm and not that it and their policies keeps continually causing harm to anyone who isn't a rich cishet abled white guy. if it had any more impact than just making the right be in the defence for once in the insults game then maybe it'd be fine but i really don't see it doing anything more than that.

Grinch's Ultimatum on 50% speed goes very hard

they put up a really ugly military statue like 15 minutes away from the local university on the same week as a conspiracy to assassinate the president by military officials was uncovered. i give it a week or two max before it is rightfully vandalized

some ways of playing with the english language that i find really fun:
