The Orissier Unytis
Documented record of the platform in orbit.
- Type: mass movement platform.
- Build: Moon, Feder-DAS contracted.
- Time: 864991 blocks.
- Mass: 1904000 Tonnes.
- Space: [Hashed].
Directional impact systems:
- 2 railguns, multiple payloads.
- 9 Plasma cannons.
- 400 magnetic guided missiles.
- 5 heavy impact turrets.
- 3 Laser beamers.
- 6 Docking stations for engagecrafts
Nondirectional impact systems:
- 4 EMP generators
- 2 absolute garbage emitters.
- 4 Magnetic traction zones
- 16 Ice packet injectors.
- 3 Aqua spike wave basins
- Engine trust (multiple payloads, no directing possible)
- 6 hexagonal earospike engines, primed Alpha generation.
- 2 sonoluminescence ring trusters, alfa fase.
- 13 vector ionic beamers, operate at Omega status.
- No load, 0->1G: 912 Time header units.
- Stabilization capacity: 1248000 Newton per 19 header units.
Energy sources:
- Sunray collectors items. (Per member)
- 6 nuclear fusion reactors
- 3 pressure fusion chambers
- 8 Large-impact converters
- 52 kinetic transmissions->1 fusing mechanism
- 3405000 Gallons of proppellant
- 168 240V electrical plasma containers
- 67750 gallons of emergency fuel
- Large centrifugal facilities are used for simulation of gravity. There is a mandate to only move towards one rotational axis. All workstations are portable.
- Magnetic impact guiders direct metal debree towards trash pulveration chambers on the surface of the SpaceBase, which contains materials that need to receive impacts regularly.
- Expert reusement processing and debree conversion resources available on deck, more capacity then most SpaceBases.
- First tests with the sonolumniscent ring trusters, which form a vibrational liquid disk in a ring, with a cavitated center. The cavitation region is stabilized by a plate which forces the waves trough a hole, increasing waves in power until they create a cavitation bubble, which collapses perfectly into one direction. A sonolumniscent event takes place, whereby a small amount of (cavitated?)liquid converts into incredibly hot plasma with directional output. Minimal energy input (theoretically) as the shockwaves themselves can be agitated to form cavitation bubbles asswell.