The Gaming Den
General rules
- No harassment, trolling, hate speech, bigotry, or any kind of toxic behavior
- No illegal activities
- No sexual or obscene content (general rule of thumb: keep it 13+)
- No spamming or flooding chat
- No excessive self-promotion; this is a community, not Craigslist
- No impersonation
- Keep all discussion in the English language
Rules specific to Sonic Robo Blast 2
- No moving other players around without their consent (griefing)
- No vote flood - undoing votes should only be done if you change your mind
- Do not insist on adding/removing addons; we're open for suggestions, but a no is a no
To ensure you have read the rules, type
in the console. You can open the console by pressing the key right below escape.
Rules specific to Luanti
- Cheats of any kind are prohibited
- Do not interfere in the game as a spectator
Note that these rules are not hard rules, and moderators always have the final word!