The following is a more or less complete list of all the games I made that have been published in some form. Not all are worth playing. Maybe some are.
Simple tactical board wargame about First World War trench raids. It was developed with Alan Emrich and published by his company Victory Point Games, with additional graphics by Mikael Rydfalk. An expansion was published in 2010. It remained in print for almost a decade.
Trenches of Valor on Boardgamegeek
Trenches of Valor Expansion Kit 1 on Boardgamegeek
Trenches of Valor on WaybackMachine
This started out as a game for a dice-only game design contest on boardgamegeek, but was not completed in time for the deadline. Instead I later entered it in the boardgamegeek solo game design contest. In hindsight I think this game is a bit too fiddly and has too many rules to memorize. Maybe with some kind of game mat reminding you all the steps and rules it could be more playable.
Dice Only Design Contest thread
Dice in Trench Warfare VASSAL module 0.2
Dice in Trench Warfare print'n'play
Made for the Java 4k contest 2012. Simple Panzer General clone in 4 kilobyte Java applet. I think it is pretty fun and replay it every now and then, but it might not look like much. Java applets are pretty much dead, but I turned this into a JavaScript version that should still be playable in most browsers, although the level designed changed (as I did not bother to re-implement the Java random number generator). Also made a simplified version with more of a sci-fi theme and fewer levels for my kids to play.
Java4K 2012 on the WaybackMachine
4k General simplified js web version
Game designed for the boardgamegeek solo game design contest. A bit abstract, but I think it works reasonably well. Could have a bit more chrome and maybe more variety. You advance on a hex map where random enemy units show up. Every thing is controlled by pulling chits and it can be a bit random. I think if I make a new version of this game it will be slightly less random, but the base mechanics are fine. It won the Best Wargame award in the contest, but there were no other wargames entered that year, so that might not be too much to be proud of. Print'n'play files include VASSAL module.
Advance Guard 1914 on Boardgamegeek
Advance Guard 1914 print'n'play
L'Attaque was the game from 1909 that later became Stratego (in 1946). L'Attic is a kids game I made for Paper Game Jam #0 that someone hosted on reddit. It is basically a simplified Stratego with a theme of animals and ghosts fighting in an attic. Played maybe once other than a few solo playtests. I think it probably works about as well as any other game in this genre.
L'Attic playing pieces picture
Another boardgamegeek 24 hour challenge, from September 2015 (requirement: "ice age"). It is a simple worker placement game about the end of the Ice Age. Each turn a tile is turned over from its winter to its summer side, starting from the south end of the board, to show the ice retreating, and players get increasing access to resources and can put workers more often on good tiles further north. I think the idea is reasonably sound, but could not develop it enough in 24 hours to make it into a good game. Have considered making a version 2.0 some day.
New Age summary for 24 hour challenge
This was my entry for the first boardgamegeek children's game design contest. It is a simple game about playing cards to move cars around a race track. It works to play with very young children.