Sashanoraa /SAH-shə-NOR-ə/ ---------- Pronouns she/her or ze/zir Gender Non-binary Trans Fem Matrix Email Fediverse Website Protonmail Code
I'm Sashanoraa /SAH-shə-NOR-ə/[1] (v2.2) aka Sasha, a neurodivergent techie femby 🏳️⚧️. I'm a polyamorous Sapphic cat girl and maker of very gay software. I love writing code, hacking on neat tech, good gender vibes, talking to cool people, and hissing at tech bros. I'm a long time Rust programmer and a medium time NixOS users. I've also recently been learning and enjoying Haskell.
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I would love to talk to you about:
Stargazer is a fast and easy to use Gemini[1] server that uses asynchronous I/O, written in Rust. It has many features including: regex based routing, automatic certificate generation, and CGI and SCGI support. It's designed to be robust and perform well. Stargazer is a single compiled binary with no runtime dependencies making it easy to deploy.
term2alpha is a utility that converts colored terminal output to headers usable in the Neovim greeter alpha[1]. Pairing this with catimg[2] makes displaying term-ified images in alpha easy!
After be frustrated creating and managing large emote packs on Matrix, I created matrix-emote-sync to manage emote packs as directories of images on my local file system.
After creating matrix-emote-sync, I wanted to also be able to manage my GtS emote packs the same way, so I created gts-emote-sync as a fork of matrix-emote-sync that sync emotes to a GtS instance.
This is the tool I wrote to generate the fetch card on this page and the terminal output returned from `curl`. It was also a fun excused to start learning Haskell!
A tool I wrote to generate my Gemini site from the content used to generate my website via Hugo.
I host a few neat things on this here website for your viewing pleasure.
By default Tiktok share links are linked to the account that created them. This app will take those links and give you a link not attached to any account. This progress web app can also be installed on Android so it can be used as a share target.
After adding SCGI support to Stargazer, I decided to make this search as a more substantial test for it. It's not a project I'm actively working on anymore, but I keep it up because it's neat.