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πŸš€ sh0.xyz Capsule

The name is Jeff, I've been a software developer for over two decades. But my first foray into computers and communication was back in the dial up and BBS days.

If you're here via your web browser, the reason the page looks "funky" is because you're actually reading a page hosted via the Gemini Protocol. Its part of a movement to go back to a more simple internet. Low bandwidth, nothing flashy.

Captain's Log

Log atom feed

Me on Mastodon

Me on Matrix

Me on Jabber

Misfin me

Random Stuff I Do

πŸ“– Books I've read

CQ CQ...Amateur Radio

My gemini setup

🍲 Food and Spirits🍸

🎲 Tabletop RPGs 🎲

Random software I've written that is of little use to anyone.

Generate a UUID for a url

bookmark.sh URL Shortner

A todo.txt cli implementation in Haskell

Diceware shell script

A simple atom.xml cgi script

A cgi script for processing access logs

Links to stuff you probably already know about




The Treeblue Review