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Cheetah a Day: Day 1496

DiscoGem: Discover new capsules every day - Capsule of the day - 2024-12-16

El Bosque Protector - Gemfeed: Comienzo «Ensalada de Internet» con "El escenario más aterrador de la IA"

Ensemble : Ensemble puzzle

Ensemble: Ensemble puzzle

~ew's FlightLog (g5): Bad hypens break documentation?

-fab-: re: Emacs from Scratch

fab: re: Emacs from Scratch

Halfway to Mars: On my ideal-OS page, I mention, virtual machines, chroot jails, and sandboxing. Also PowerShell’s whopping SEVEN output streams.

hyperreal's gemlog: Update on homelab projects

Pandora's Gemlog: Mi primera pluma estilográfica : 20 years of Linux on the Desktop (part 2) 20 years of Linux on the Desktop (part 2)

s/Cognition: How Determinantal Point Processes supports Out-Of-Distribution Generalization · 🦉 satya

Snow Leopard a Day: Day 1146

🔤SpellBinding: AEPGLOF Wordo: WAILS

theoddballphilosopher: Pandora's Box

thrig bphflog: Invisibles

wolfinthewoods: in the iNteRnet aGe the {{{greatest expression}} of |resistance| is--->>> to unplug --\\ ^¥^

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