
A comfy online community for people of all (or no) faiths to explore the Bahá'í Faith, its writings, and its vision.

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What's this, then?

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This Gemini capsule is a companion to our website that'll store some interesting files related to the Bahá'í Faith.

If nothing on this capsule makes sense, feel free to hang out with us via the links above 😌

Today's popular & featured content online

Study hall

Links for your personal reference, all related to the Bahá'í Faith.


The Bahá'í Faith - Official website

Bahá'í Reference Library - Authoritative source of Bahá'í writings


Bahaipedia is a multilingual reference website for information relating to the Bahá'í Faith.

Explore Bahaipedia

The List™

A compendium of Bahá'í-related links to WWW resources put together by a redditor on r/bahai. This list is quite extensive, but some of the links may no longer be active. (Under construction)

Browse the List™

Bahá'í texts

Places to find copies of Bahá'í texts.

Read Bahá'í texts

Wayback archives

Text files from way, way back in Internet history. These are mainly hosted here on Gemini.

Explore the Wayback archives

Gemlog archives

Archived blog / social media posts in gemlog format, showcasing the best of the era when the social web was actually useful. (More coming soon)

Best of r/bahai

Archived posts from r/bahai, the home of the Bahá'í Faith on Reddit - in gemlog form.

Dragfyre's blog archive

Archived posts from dragfyre's long-running blogs, doberman pizza and baha'i children's class ideas - in gemlog form.

Other interesting stuff

Things found in various places online.

Crostic Nines ⑨

A daily acrostic puzzle game where you guess words found in Bahá'í texts.

Flower Flood 🌺

A flowery adaptation of the Flood puzzle popularized by Simon Tatham.

Baha'i Quotes (Fediverse bot)

A Baha'i quote bot on Tootik (Fediverse gateway on Gemini). World Scripture has a collection of excerpts from world scripture on different themes, some of which refer to the Baha'i writings. Archived from the original at World Scripture (Gopher Mirror @

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