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Dan Q's Gemlog

Contains selected posts from my blog, and ocassional content exclusive to my Gemlog.

Why Gemini?

Gemini's a real gem (see what I did there) of a protocol. All the beauty and elegance of HTTPS (pre-HTTP/2), all the simplicity of Gopher. Couple that with the minimalist joy of the Gemtext - which is basically Markdown - and you've got something really special.

Running a Gemini server isn't necessarily practical or sensible, but it's a statement. A statement that says: I miss the simpler Internet. The Internet where we were all encouraged to collaborate not by signing up to some or another huge and unethical social network but by creating and hosting your own content, in your own way.

We'll probably never see a Web that looks like that again, but Gemini is designed to resist efforts to commercialise it. You'll never see a banner ad on Gemini, because images aren't loaded by default. You'll never be haunted by tracking cookies on Gemini, because cookies aren't part of the specification and it'd be almost impossible to retrofit them into it. And you'll never get hit by a cryptominer on Gemini, because there's no scripting whatsoever on the platform: just simple, lightweight, mostly-textual content. And that's just great.

Selected posts from my blog

2024-12-12 Moving Three Rings' Servers

2024-12-01 99 Days of Blogging

2024-11-16 Sadder Than Fiction

2024-10-27 Hour of Ambiguity

2024-10-24 How I Learned to Enjoy Pickled Onion Monster Munch

2024-10-18 Nex in CapsulePress

2024-10-17 WordStress

2024-10-14 Firsts and Lasts

2024-10-08 Hurricane Milton

2024-10-04 Heaven Can Wait

2024-09-28 What if Emails were Multilingual?

2024-09-05 Idea: Meeting Spoofer

2024-08-29 Roll Your Own Antispam

2024-08-20 Easy Socialising

2024-07-29 Shared Email Addresses

2024-07-19 Good Food, Bad Authorisation

2024-07-16 Vmail via FreshRSS

2024-07-09 A Pressure Cooker for Tea

2024-07-02 Ranking Every Elevator in the Myst Series

2024-07-01 Information Trajectory

2024-06-20 Special Roads

2024-06-04 Somewhat-Effective Spam Filters

2024-06-01 Framing Device

2024-05-15 Don't Ask, Don't Teach

2024-05-09 A completely plaintext WordPress Theme

2024-05-03 Does a blog have to be HTML?

2024-05-01 Test your site in Lynx

2024-04-28 Window Tax

2024-04-27 5 Cool Apps for your Unraid NAS

2024-04-13 Council Disenfranchisement


You can subscribe to my Gemlog my following this page or using the Atom feed:

Atom feed for Dan Q's Gemlog


www: Dan's main blog

spartan: Dan's spartan instance

gopher: Dan's gopherhole

finger: Dan's finger server

fedi: @dan@danq.me

email: gemlog@danq.me