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🔆 Futurism: a solarpunk gemlog about the future
💻 Contribute to Git repos without an account
🌐 Domains I own, and what they're used for
US Declaration of Independence
This seems to include only basic system utilities.
I anticipate a better version of this could be made and served locally at some point.
Specifications (Gemini, Matrix, JSON, and more)
gmEditor 2+ — a Gemini capsule editor, using Titan
This is the new version of the script below. It's the one I'm now using; the last one broke with a GmCapsule update. It also has more features: new in 2.0 are copying, renaming, directory listing, and a documentation page. I added this with this new script, and I've also been using it to write on Futurism. I think that's pretty cool.
Titan upload script (gmEditor 1.0)
Signal username: @bleonard.252
My prior "backup" XMPP account is no more. All future XMPP correspondence must go to my main address, me@blakes.dev. Even though I may end up switching to halsco.de in the future, for now my email and XMPP addresses will remain the same, and when and if I do switch those to something at halsco.de, I'll forward the emails and update whoever is corresponding with me over XMPP.
I might stand up a Misfin mailbox at some point, but it doesn't seem that useful to me right now, so I probably won't. Until then, email and XMPP+OMEMO are the recommended ways to reach out to me.
An example org-mode file from the internet
It took me forever to learn but the icon Lagrange shows for my site is 🙗 U+1F657 TURNED SOUTH EAST POINTING LEAF.