๐Ÿ‘ฝ me

Today i physically destroyed one of my mobile phones. After messing with the kernel, bootloaders and partitions, it got hard bricked. So i tried to restore via edl/qdl, though, this is more or less undocumented on linux. After 3 days and nights I decided to install win11 to use some documented tools. Of course i was not able to install this buggy piece of major shit operating system on my computer, it complained about a missing drivers! Without this drivers, no install. No hint what kind of driver it needs. I gave it up and went back on trying to restore the phone. I could not stop, its just softwarev there must be a way! I needed to brick it to get a rest.

1 week ago ยท ๐Ÿ‘ klimperfix, chirale


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