👽 danrl

snatched up an old dumb phone (sony ericsson w350i) from 2008 only to realize that there is no 2g network anymore. so small, so perfect. wish there was something like a 5g dumb phone that actually works and has open source firmware (not android).

back to the stripped down iphone mini in the meantime.

1 month ago · 👍 userfxnet, melyanna, edanosborne


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6 Replies

👽 _s5_

Well, I didn’t use it for anything other than messaging and as a general phone for at home and work. The browser that came with it wasn’t that capable when I had it. It was an old Firefox version although I know they were planning on upgrading it, if they did or not, I have no idea. someone gave me their old phone and that is what I have been using since. I did try a few apps, but they were absolutely terrible. · 1 week ago

👽 m0xee

@_s5_ Wow! 😵

I've never used it personally, but I was always interested in it. And your experience with it sounds… real bad! Is it no good even if you only use the phone for wireless tethering? · 4 weeks ago

👽 _s5_

I would use my old k750i in a shot, but my previous phone was a Nokia 800 tough with KaiOS, as far as I am concerned, it was practically unusable. From the absolutely terrible T9 dictionary to the awful apps. The OS itself would crash or cause me problems requiring a restart quite regularly. I now keep mine in the box it came in, which itself is in a box under some boxes. Hopefully never to be found again! · 1 month ago

👽 danrl

@m0xee @userfxnet these are good pointers. i shall do some research. · 1 month ago

👽 m0xee

Not sure these would meet your standards of openness, but there used to be a plethora of 4G capable KaiOS-based phones, including re-releases of popular Nokia phones of the days past. This is basically a development of what used to be FirefoxOS. Yes, Google is somehow behind the project — this is their attempt to enter the market of very cheap phones with their services, but they don't seem too restrictive, there used to be a rather active hacking community.

I'm not sure if any of these devices are available in your region though. · 1 month ago

👽 userfxnet

is there no sort of transceiver, sim converter, or some manner of device which can convert 5g signal to 2g which that device can capture? maybe something like that at least for 4g or 3g in case you're looking for something like a palm, or somewhere similar? best of luck to ya, god bless. · 1 month ago