👽 me

updated my capsule with an entry about insurance... if you have time to share, find it here:


5 days ago · 👍 fab




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15 Replies

👽 johano

@me if you want your portrait to have a caption shown when the block is hidden, make the first line have the backticks and then a space before the caption · 4 days ago

👽 johano

@Istvan I agree with you that USD is becoming more and more devalued all the time... and at approximately $32/oz silver does seem cheap! what's the best manner to buy it for real and not just fake promissory notes? · 4 days ago

👽 istvan

@johano Gold isn't overpriced. It's still quite cheap. The US dollar has become so devalued.

Silver is a ridiculous sale at the moment. I would not sell silver for anything less than $150 because that should be its historic value based on supply and utility over the last 2,000 years.

Before fake banking become the norm and before people traded fake notes claiming to have silver they don't and pretending that silver is real, and ounce of silver was always worth about the same as a day's ages for a skilled worker.

There is no reason that it should be less than that given supply and demand are the same, and utility has increased. · 4 days ago

👽 me

@istvan @johano there is only one way: working less and spending the money you have. back in regular live i always invested in quality tools and in healty, local, organic food.

a while back i talked with a moroccon and he said: its so weird, while we invest everything into our families, you put all your money into banks. why dont you use it? · 4 days ago

👽 me

@johano perfect thanks! now it looks much better. time to create a better portrait i guess :) · 4 days ago

👽 johano

@Istvan getting out of fiat/paper money is why I'm interested in bitcoin... never been interested in diamonds but precious metals yes a little... thought about getting some silver, gold seems overpriced at the moment · 4 days ago

👽 istvan

@johano Only advice I can give for PMs is don’t buy coins/bars. They are priced too high over spot. Buy casting grain since it’s an industrial input and price very close to spot.

You cannot trust the face of the coin or bar anyway. Fraudsters are constantly coming up with new fakes and technologies to fool testers.

During COVID I saw a few shops hit by a team from West Africa in USA on tourist visas. They were selling gold bars that passed all the on site machine and acid tests, but when drilled into at the refinery they turned out to be fake core. Don’t know if caught.

If even businesses buying serialized bars can be tricked, what hope do you have? · 5 days ago

👽 istvan

@johano I don’t really have any investment advice. I’ve never had much trust in that.

I only hedge my assets by getting them out of paper money and into something stable and non-degradable.

Precious metals and gem rough are VERY good for this. No one has lost money on gemstones or gem rough in the last 60 years unless they way overpaid (buying retail) or the one and only exception: tanzanite. That one has cratered in value.

But you need to really know gems to play that game. It isn’t for casual. Precious metals are much safer and require little understanding of the market. · 5 days ago

👽 istvan

@johano They are a worse investment than they have ever been, and that’s ignoring that the industry makes up a quarter of Israel’s economy and is directly fueling the conflict in Gaza.

Ironic because diamonds from every mine the affiliated De Beers conglomerate couldn’t buy was labeled a “conflict diamond” and countries were lobbied to not allow their import to allegedly prevent them from funding wars in Africa.

I think the whole scam is falling apart because it’s hard to tell people you should spend 3 months’ salary on carbon, and also the world is drowning in carbon and we are all going to die because of it.

Diamonds were never rare. · 5 days ago

👽 johano

onbviously view this page as plain text to see how the blocks look, three backticks ``` by themselves on the lines before and after the block of text... also you can remove the word "portrait" after the three backticks on the first line of your ASCII portrait :)

try it out and tell me what you think! :) · 5 days ago

👽 johano


|              o          
|--- ,---.,---..,---.,---.
|    |   ||   |||    `---.

· 5 days ago

👽 johano

@me you can try putting your logo and also the topics header in backticks to show them as preformatted text like so:

| | |,---||   |           
` ' '`---^`---|           
    |     `---'o                                           
|   ||---'`---.||   ||   |
`---'`---'`---'``---|`   '

· 5 days ago

👽 me

@johano thanks, its a place where i feel ok sharing the windings of whats going through my head all day long. and yes please, i am very open for constructive inputs, pretty new to gemini and willing to learn more... · 5 days ago

👽 johano

@me I like your capsule -- want any help on the preformatted text blocks on your main page?

@istvan that's interesting about jewelry insurance and matches suspicions I've had... is it also true that generally speaking diamonds are a pretty bad investment? · 5 days ago

👽 istvan

As a jeweler, can tell you jewelry insurance is a huge scam.

What you will pay in insurance over the life of the piece is enough to remake it 3 or 4 times assuming it is made out of common materials (eg diamond) or at least common specimens of rarer gemstones.

If you own anything rare, then by definition insurance cannot replace it because no one will find a similar stone. At best they will make you cash offer based on what you paid or last appraisal, and all the monetary inflation your jewelry hedged against is lost.

Jewelry insurance: not even once. · 5 days ago