pretty concerning to see the state of technology these days. vendors are pretty much racing to build their own walled gardens. european union and some american states are doing their best to counter this, but even with that it doesn't seem enough -- i for one live in asia where none of this matter. people here look at me like i'm some kind of nutjob when i bring this up. maybe someday i can move to a place where people share some concern of mine.
1 year ago · 👍 aelspire, mcoffin, astroseneca
Do not idealize EU too much… We have our own share of problems. The source of the problem is that most of politicians don't understand technology at all and so are easily manipulated by various groups of interest in going against what is sane and moral. See what France is trying to do:
So countries in EU are mixed bag, some regulations are good but some are terribly wrong. · 1 year ago