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👽 sgeo

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👽 sgeo

Default world map: 🗺. Text world map: 🗺︎. Emoji world map: 🗺️

💬 0 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 6 months ago

👽 sgeo

Playing around with WebTV and the possibility of adding gemini support to the minisrv the WebTV community made to allow WebTV to work in the modern day. So far I have an overly simple gemtext - HTML converter, but tuned to WebTV's limitations: Replacing emojis with img tags that can work with OpenMoji converted to gif, and replacing non-ASCII with character references (I originally converted to Windows-1252, but char refs are better as it results in valid UTF-8) Already finding it educational: Learned that a regex can match emojis, even multi-codepoint emojis: /\p{RGI_Emoji}/gv Wondering what else I need to take into consideration. I probably won't really support TOFU or client certificates.

💬 1 Reply · 2 Thumbs · 6 months ago

👽 sgeo

Playing with Gemini and Lagrange. Heard of Gemini before but haven't really tried it. TLS client certificates as authentication is fantastic! No passwords to remember. Tradeoff is that identity is tied to the browser. And I'm not sure how to get my cert from Lagrange to GemiNaut. I think the web is going to start moving to passwordless with passkeys, but I like how pervasive passwordless is in Gemini

💬 3 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 6 months ago

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