Let's upvote FTP feature on Yesterweb hosting!
6 months ago 路 馃憤 danrl, cobradile94
debian/i3 with thunar. I found some extensions for VS Code called workspace, but I want to have local copy and autoupload remote, not remote connection only.. I never code on remote directly.. but thanks, knew that option 路 6 months ago
what distro are you using? on debian, over aptitude I been able to find a webdavfs extension iirc that allowed me to run the yestweb page as a remote directory 路 6 months ago
I'm using VS Code with local repository, and sync files by FTP. For right now I must to open explorer outside and upload changed files manually, anyway no extension found that able to sync my local copy with WebDAV. 路 6 months ago
you can use webdav to connect in to your hosted directory, which is similar to using FTP, tho you might need additional installations that let you establish those connections if you don't use windows 路 6 months ago