Weight and diet talk ahead, so stop reading now if you don't wanna hear it.
Started making some changes to my life due to my weight gain starting to push into unhealthy territory, combined with a sudden onset of pretty bad acid reflux. No more alcohol, no more big snacks after dinner. Weight's been dropping week after week back toward my "normal," and the acid reflux is gone. Been pleased/relieved the solution was so simple, but my wife's been sensitive to this sort of talk since her pregnancy-related weight gain does not seem to have such a simple solution. So, I'm sharing here, for better or worse.
11 months ago ยท ๐ serpico007, digbat, xoagray
@xoagray Thanks. Good luck to you too! ยท 11 months ago
Weight loss can be a real pain. I've been trying to get my weight down as well, (found out about a year or so ago I'm diabetic). It's been a real battle at times, and I've backslid a time or two. I hope you have great success, and your wife finds a way to as well. ยท 11 months ago