[2024-08-18T06:44:08Z] hi [2024-08-18T08:59:47Z] is freedesktop.org down for others aswell or it just me? a cert issue [2024-08-18T10:10:33Z] works for me [2024-08-18T10:52:35Z] same [2024-08-18T10:52:47Z] sad_plan: did your ISP block freedesktop.org lol [2024-08-18T10:53:23Z] what happens if you go http, do you see a block page or a fake site? Are you being MitM? [2024-08-18T11:40:00Z] hm, I dont belive my isp is doing that. I checked last night at home aswell, and no dice. but ill try again. [2024-08-18T11:41:40Z] hm wierd. I got through when using vanadium, but I had to click through the warnings first. [2024-08-18T11:42:29Z] not sure whats going on. surf will just say no. luakit just warns me, but its still https [2024-08-18T18:31:15Z] testuser[m]: btrfs-progs requires lzo dynamic link [2024-08-18T18:31:20Z] lzo dynamic disabled [2024-08-18T18:31:27Z] btrfs-progs fails to compile missing library [2024-08-18T18:31:47Z] fixed in lzo build: cause btrfs-prog e2fs lib error: [2024-08-18T18:32:39Z] https://0x0.st/XJo1.txt [2024-08-18T18:35:11Z] https://0x0.st/XJoe.diff [2024-08-18T18:35:11Z] bye