2007-10-12 15:40:41
Are you a climate scientist?
(Score:5, Informative)
by Izaak (31329) on Friday October 12, @10:31AM (#20953547)
there's always been change in climate and we have dealt with it, changes which have been far more then small.
it's just alarmist nonsense your pushing there.
You got your degree in climate science where? You've been studying this topic for how long?
I actually have friends doing research on the topic, both in the lab here in the US on the global climate model an in the field in the Antarctic. They are more alarmed about current trends than is filtering through to the media. The rate at which permafrost and glaciers have begun melting recently is sending shock waves through the scientific community. We are now only beginning to discover environmental feedback mechanisms that likely mean the scientists have UNDERESTIMATED the rate and impact of global warming, not overestimated it.
We used to talk about the climate problems our children and grandchildren will be dealing with. Guess what, the bill came early. Now YOU will likely be suffering the consequences. We are seeing the leading edge of it now with shifting weather patterns and encroachment of invasive species... just as the models predicted, only sooner. Because of climate deniers like you, it is probably now too late to stop it, but we still must do everything we can to slow the change and give our society and economy time to adapt.
Alarmist? Hardly. If anything the message from the scientist has been overly softened and toned down.
BTW, the friends I mentioned work at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution [whoi.edu] and on the global climate model at Argonne National Laboratories [anl.gov], in case anyone is curious.
Posted: 2007778@711.87
Re:Surprising with recent controversy
(Score:5, Informative)
by meringuoid (568297) on Friday October 12, @09:29AM (#20952487)
British schools ordered to provide balance when showing the movie.
Did you actually read what the judge said? Or did you only read what Fox News said?
The Times [timesonline.co.uk] covered this in rather good detail. The parts of the film that were considered unfounded:
Note what the judge did not dispute: he agreed 'that climate change is mainly attributable to man-made emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide ('greenhouse gases').' He further agreed that 'global temperatures are rising and are likely to continue to rise, that climate change will cause serious damage if left unchecked, and that it is entirely possible for governments and individuals to reduce its impacts'.