Recent commits to ssb22's GitHub repositories

2024-09-28 css-generator: update GitHub syntax highlighting

2024-09-27 indexer: anemone squash option; improve metadata for non-audio books etc

2024-09-26 css-generator: fix scheduler at size=unchanged

2024-09-25 indexer: Anemone fetch retries option; support delay option with requests_cache objects

2024-09-24 jianpu-ly: Unbored code works on Lilypond 2.22 now we have dot tweak-Y

2024-09-23 jianpu-ly: refactor defines to avoid duplicates; fix lilypond syntax error in non-harmonic grace notes + improve octave syntax handling (see #58 on GitHub); fix horizontal position of full bar rests in 5-line on OnePage

2024-09-23 jianpu-ly: Merge pull request #59 from unbored/master

2024-09-22 jianpu-ly: Implement three-dots articulation. Works on grace notes. Python 2 not tested.

Move NoteheadMarkup isGrace parameter to a variable.

2024-09-22 jianpu-ly: Merge branch 'master' into master

2024-09-22 jianpu-ly: add 3-dot octave support; fix grace-note lower-dot spacing; continue tremolo and cautionary accidental when auto-tie over barline; fix horizontal positioning of whole-bar WithStaff rests at start of multipart score; avoid surplus double-bar for tacet-al-fine parts

2024-09-21 jianpu-ly: Merge branch 'master' into master

2024-09-21 jianpu-ly: A new implement for grace notes supporting different durations.

TODO: grace after is lower than grace before.

2024-09-21 jianpu-ly: add percussion notes; adjust new 2-dot below spacing w/out beam; really fix PyPI uploads

2024-09-20 indexer: handle chapters w/out markers and/or titles; handle mixing versed chapters with non-versed chapters; add marker-attribute-prefix option; ensure all module errors are AnemoneError

2024-09-19 jianpu-ly: new code to Lilypond 2.24+ only for now; support 1-line Harm: syntax; handle multiple version lines in PyPI auto-upload

2024-09-19 jianpu-ly: Merge pull request #57 from unbored/master

2024-09-18 jianpu-ly: Flip beams upside down.

Add two-dot symbol ":" articulation, in order to work with harmonic.

Set note font to sans.

2024-09-18 CedPane: Update CedPane (80,476 rows)

2024-09-17 indexer: anemone detect old mutagen 1.46 (e.g. on Ubuntu 24.04 w/out pip) and be more careful about MP3s w/out ID3 tags; update readme to clarify QBraille needs unpack

2024-09-16 config: add lxqt.conf

2024-09-15 web-typography: some Gemini clients have trouble with soft hyphens

2024-09-14 mwr2ly: midi-add-depth remove unused variables

2024-09-13 indexer: anemone sync skipped chapters; remove non-ASCII warning as tested; support requests-cache 0.9 (as well as 1.2) for lubuntu24; add ANEMONE_DEBUG environment option

2024-09-12 s60-utils: gitignore

2024-09-11 web-typography: html2gmi stdin protection

2024-09-10 css-generator: gitignore

2024-09-09 indexer: macvoice_utils allow blank narrator in quotes

2024-09-08 old-web-access-gateway: gitignore

2024-09-07 midi-beeper: help and version

2024-09-06 mwr2ly: gitignore

2024-09-05 web-imap-etc: handle CloudFlare backoff in webdriver also

2024-09-04 router-scripts: gitignore

2024-09-03 css-generator: partially fix Planet Computers at size=unchanged

2024-09-02 config: gitignore

2024-09-01 web-imap-etc: gallery support incremental load

2024-08-31 clara-empricost: gitignore

2024-08-30 css-generator: fix Google Maps iframes at size=unchanged

2024-08-29 yali-voice: gitignore

2024-08-28 jianpu-ly: avoid overriding repeat-start barline at Fine (fixes #56 on GitHub)

2024-08-27 indexer: more gitignore

2024-08-26 indexer: anemone info_callback

2024-08-26 indexer: anemone progress_callback not affect stderr

2024-08-26 yali-lower: gitignore

2024-08-25 web-imap-etc: maclinux tested on 14.6.1

2024-08-24 jianpu-ly: fix unicode-approx spurious accidentals on ties

2024-08-23 indexer: Anemone make invalid ISO-639 a warning instead of an error

2024-08-23 cameron-voice: gitignore

2024-08-22 adjuster: annogen apps 3line short mode: avoid sometimes clearing gloss that starts with parenthesis

2024-08-21 CedPane: Update CedPane (80,421 rows)

2024-08-20 indexer: anemone warning/progress callbacks; confirmed multiple dots OK

2024-08-19 bits-and-bobs: remove some old/unused/badly-working scripts (history's in git history)

2024-08-18 css-generator: fix YouTube short videos at size=unchanged

2024-08-17 web-imap-etc: gallery epub naming

2024-08-16 css-generator: fix various non-div floats at size=unchanged (e.g. Calbire docs Privacy overprinting page at high zoom)

2024-08-15 indexer: anemone more parameter checks + able to run w/out libraries in some circumstances

2024-08-14 indexer: anemone more parameter checks + formatting

2024-08-13 indexer: rtfuc entry point; anemone version w/out deps

2024-08-12 indexer: rtfuc

2024-08-11 web-imap-etc: gallery epub option

2024-08-10 css-generator: fix Discourse forums at size=unchanged

2024-08-09 web-imap-etc: gallery restore extensions if missing

2024-08-08 indexer: Anemone more error checks, timeout and status messages

2024-08-07 adjuster: annogen Android apps reduce initial load delay for image-heavy EPUB pages

2024-08-06 web-imap-etc: gallery MarkDown option

2024-08-05 adjuster: annogen Android apps use built-in zoom instead of PinchZoom, see

2024-08-04 css-generator: fix Octopus tariff-change checkbox at size=unchanged

2024-08-03 adjuster: annogen Android apps PinchZoom support for EPUB images

2024-08-02 css-generator: version flag

2024-08-01 indexer: ohi_latex version option

2024-07-31 scan-reflow: pypi packaging: use --version rather than reading source when possible

2024-07-30 adjuster: Update

2024-07-29 web-imap-etc: help and version

2024-07-28 lexconvert: pypi packaging: use --version rather than reading source when possible

2024-07-27 adjuster: annogen --version + tweak HTML help

2024-07-26 bits-and-bobs: remove obsolete scripts

2024-07-25 adjuster: termlayout --version

2024-07-24 indexer: riscos more symbol support

2024-07-23 indexer: riscos support Greek + symbols

2024-07-22 indexer: small RISC OS / StrongHelp character set utility

2024-07-21 CedPane: glosses

2024-07-20 gradint: fix Python 3 compatibility issue in Unicode progress files

2024-07-19 jianpu-ly: fix Unicode approximation display in some TTF fonts, by using normalised order of combining marks

2024-07-18 indexer: Anemone allow use of miniaudio+lameenc libraries instead of the executable (should work on Windows now is fixed: may help if policy stops exe install)

2024-07-17 CedPane: Update CedPane (80,303 rows)

2024-07-16 css-generator: fix yet another template framework that obscures whole page with div at size=unchanged (this is used by some schools)

2024-07-15 gradint: cgi: big-print layout tweaks + nginx/fcgiwrap compatibility + fix Python 3 compatibility

2024-07-14 indexer: anemone EasyReader workaround: remove </strong><strong> in markup

2024-07-13 adjuster: FreeBSD port update (committed)

2024-07-12 bits-and-bobs: dapxlate not working very well

2024-07-11 adjuster: annogen apps update SDK level requirement (tested on S21/Android 14)

2024-07-10 gradint: idiomatic Cantonese hanzi prompts that eSpeak zh-yue can transliterate

2024-07-09 adjuster: annogen fix v3.37 regression on ManifestV3 extensions

2024-07-08 CedPane: Update CedPane (80,140 rows)

2024-07-07 lexconvert: implicit vowel warning and switch (fixes #7 on GitHub)

2024-07-06 wm6-utils: URL updates

2024-07-05 gradint: cgi: zoom control; script variants; lesson timer; error localisations; tweak dark-mode boxes; rm spurious phone number links + withdrawn OU app

2024-07-04 CedPane: Update CedPane (79,736 rows)

2024-07-03 web-imap-etc: webcheck support else: after no items extracted

2024-07-02 bits-and-bobs: dapxlate try deep_translator instead of local

2024-07-01 web-imap-etc: URL update

2024-06-30 bits-and-bobs: dapxlate uninstall

2024-06-29 web-imap-etc: timetrack fix clear vs document.clear JS issue

2024-06-28 web-imap-etc: timetrack undo/redo (for mobile browsers etc that lack this functionality in textarea editing)

2024-06-27 web-imap-etc: maclinux factor from MacPorts coreutils

2024-06-26 bits-and-bobs: DAPXlate 'MVP'

2024-06-25 adjuster: UI options: submitPromptTitle, submitPromptAction, htmlFilterCollapse, identifyAdjusterOnUploadedText

2024-06-24 CedPane: glosses

2024-06-23 adjuster: fix for Selenium 4

2024-06-22 gradint: fix executable flag

2024-06-21 adjuster: annogen gecko-id option

2024-06-20 CedPane: Update CedPane

2024-06-19 CedPane: Update CedPane

2024-06-18 css-generator: fix some online training courses and corporate assessments at size=unchanged

2024-06-17 jianpu-ly: fix fingering hanzi for 0 and 2 and reduce size

2024-06-16 css-generator: fix transparency issues in some versions of Confluence at size=unchanged

2024-06-15 jianpu-ly: previous commit message should have been 'repeat octave dots when translating dash to tied chord in new bar'

2024-06-15 jianpu-ly: Update

2024-06-14 web-imap-etc: maclinux find binaries from go install also, + core services

2024-06-13 web-imap-etc: imapfix allow multinote from /dev/stdin also, + help option

2024-06-12 css-generator: update wiki redlink detection

2024-06-11 web-imap-etc: maclinux support separate Golang installation (path should precede MacPorts go)

2024-06-10 indexer: macvoice_utils fix bugs introduced when refactoring this out of private codebase

2024-06-09 gradint: fix write to closed file on transliteration cache in Python 3 + ready for sndhdr removal in 3.13

2024-06-08 bits-and-bobs: git2gmi check UTC offset

2024-06-07 web-imap-etc: update example IP address

2024-06-06 css-generator: remove fix for Wattpad private messaging because that service has been shut down

2024-06-05 web-imap-etc: maclinux tested on 14.5

2024-06-04 css-generator: fix AngularJS overlays at size=unchanged

2024-06-03 bits-and-bobs: add tsv-padmax

2024-06-02 web-imap-etc: maclinux pipx support

2024-06-01 css-generator: update syntax highlighting rules for GitLab documentation

2024-05-31 scan-reflow: latex-papersize PyPI package

2024-05-30 indexer: Anemone include images with image-attribute even outside of text; include alt tags if no audio; support part-audio DAISY; handle URLs with high bytes; strip all markup from navigation (fixes Thorium table of contents)

2024-05-29 lexconvert: PyPI package; URL update

2024-05-28 indexer: Anemone text-only DAISY mode

2024-05-27 jianpu-ly: PyPI package

2024-05-26 web-imap-etc: webcheck delay depends on domain

2024-05-25 indexer: PDF document properties

2024-05-24 web-imap-etc: Update

2024-05-24 adjuster: fix wrong host log on extension crash; fix help text paging on some Tornado 6 versions

2024-05-23 web-imap-etc: WebCheck PyPI package

2024-05-22 adjuster: annogen avoid using concurrent.futures Python 2 backport when running as submodule (known deadlock)

2024-05-21 adjuster: PyPI packages; annogen multicore now working on Mac Python 3.4+ and 3.14 forward compatibility

2024-05-20 indexer: macvoice_utils works as an Anemone test if you don't have timed live recordings

2024-05-19 midi-beeper: PyPI doesn't understand 1990s-style floating-point version numbers: padded 1.8 to 1.80

2024-05-18 bits-and-bobs: log-alert increase min bytes to 7M as someone in Liaoning is trying to test a Go crawler on my site, keeps looping and stopping at ~6M, not on CedPane; don't want alerts for tests not yet a problem for the server

2024-05-17 midi-beeper: Update

2024-05-17 midi-beeper: Mac singing-text JSON option for synchronised transcripts; PyPI package; minor cleanup

2024-05-16 indexer: refactor to use BeautifulSoup instead of HTMLParser

2024-05-15 indexer: anemone 1.57: refactor R functions to Run methods; split checks from constructor + keep JSON as dict to Run; fix pypi update script; more tests

2024-05-14 indexer: anemone formatting + type hints

2024-05-13 indexer: lint anemone with ruff (it found minor style issues) + format the help strings

2024-05-12 indexer: support custom chapter overrides in LaTeX page-number format

2024-05-11 css-generator: CamCORS 6 is retired: remove its site-specific rules

2024-05-10 indexer: anemone refactor the most awkward long line

2024-05-09 bits-and-bobs: add

2024-05-08 indexer: Anemone warn if output DAISY file is too large for a CD

2024-05-07 indexer: Anemone keep data in RAM, fewer temp files; allow requests_cache; create output directory if appropriate

2024-05-06 css-generator: disallow filter by default even at size=unchanged

2024-05-05 midi-beeper: Mac singing text Praat correction for Joelle

2024-05-04 css-generator: fix Teams/SharePoint videos at size=unchanged

2024-05-03 midi-beeper: support singing text on a couple of Mac voices

2024-05-02 indexer: Anemone clean up on unhandled exception

2024-05-01 mwr2ly: fix transposition to MWR behaviour

2024-04-30 indexer: support <sup> tag in LaTeX

2024-04-29 css-generator: fix Outlook scheduling assistant at size=unchanged

2024-04-28 indexer: TeX fix U+26AC circle size

2024-04-27 web-imap-etc: imapfix log better timestamping

2024-04-26 bits-and-bobs: freebsd-setup comment

2024-04-25 jianpu-ly: include accidentals in Unicode approximations

2024-04-24 indexer: Anemone allow chapter titles etc to be passed to module as Python list; allow 2Gig+ DAISY books although not all readers can take this size

2024-04-23 indexer: Anemone use first timing marker when adding heading

2024-04-22 indexer: Anemone fix handling of page number on same element as timing marker

2024-04-21 indexer: Anemone: further EasyReader em fixes + allow mixing wav with non-recoded mp3 (e.g. from a previously-made daisy zip) + fix heading depth normalisation when 2 levels are skipped

2024-04-20 indexer: Anemone allow strong/em through in cases where EasyReader spacing won't become messy

2024-04-19 indexer: Anemone improve module documentation

2024-04-18 CedPane: Update CedPane

2024-04-17 indexer: Anemone: fix mp3 recode when sample rate has a fraction; add JSON podcast:transcript support; heading level option for untitled chapters

2024-04-16 indexer: Anemone allow relative image URLs if working from filesystem mirror of site + fix treatment of unlabelled paragraphs around labelled spans

2024-04-15 indexer: Anemone fix wav input

2024-04-14 indexer: Anemone chapter-titles option

2024-04-13 indexer: Anemone Daisy3 output: fix navigation list on FSReader + tested on Victor devices

2024-04-12 indexer: Anemone fix strict-ncc-divs in Daisy 3 + make it default for Daisy 3

2024-04-11 indexer: support <code> tag in LaTeX

2024-04-10 css-generator: fix etc on Safari 17

2024-04-09 indexer: Anemone merge-books option

2024-04-08 web-imap-etc: CDN backoff + bug fix

2024-04-07 indexer: distinguish between pipe and unconnected stdin

2024-04-06 midi-beeper: can use just >&2 for 1>&2

2024-04-05 web-imap-etc: maclinux tested on 14.4

2024-04-04 indexer: Anemone strict-ncc-divs option

2024-04-03 indexer: Anemone fix for Thorium Reader; dry-run option; support verse offset

2024-04-02 indexer: Anemone merge zero-time spans; return warnings

2024-04-01 indexer: Anemone chapter:verse continued

2024-03-31 indexer: Update

2024-03-31 indexer: Anemone chapter:verse mode

2024-03-30 css-generator: CamCORS 7 fix

2024-03-29 indexer: Anemone no cache option

2024-03-28 indexer: readme update

2024-03-28 indexer: Anemone fix playback speed regression in 1.2 on stereo input

2024-03-28 indexer: Anemone refactor to thread-safe non-global; accept wav input

2024-03-28 indexer: Anemone: cache, delay & user-agent options, don't use locale, rewrite legend tags to h3, check for Buanzo's LAME on Windows, convert errExit to exception if module, fix newlines in meta titles, rm mp3 art for FSReader

2024-03-27 indexer: can use just >&2 for 1>&2

2024-03-26 web-imap-etc: maclinux use pgrep

2024-03-25 css-generator: hide overly-large IDE promotion at size=unchanged (assumed zoomed)

2024-03-24 web-imap-etc: maclinux tested on 14.3

2024-03-23 gradint: server script modernisations

2024-03-22 indexer: Anemone cache 404s when not refreshing (for offline reruns)

2024-03-21 CedPane: Update CedPane

2024-03-20 indexer: Anemone avoid printing entire HTML in warning message (v1.1 regression)

2024-03-19 jianpu-ly: guitar fret diagrams (#44 on GitHub)

2024-03-18 indexer: Anemone better markup when working from SPANs with line breaks

2024-03-17 web-imap-etc: can use just >&2 for 1>&2

2024-03-16 css-generator: fix YouTube brightness at size=unchanged

2024-03-15 jianpu-ly: support backward keyname input

2024-03-14 css-generator: fix orthographiclearning/thereadinghut cart at size=unchanged

2024-03-13 indexer: Anemone: someone thought non-integer seconds not allowed; better say they are

2024-03-12 web-imap-etc: maclinux tested on 14.2

2024-03-11 css-generator: fix jwplayer videos at size=unchanged

2024-03-10 web-imap-etc: maclinux new location for simulator on recent Xcode

2024-03-09 indexer: Anemone tested on Thorium

2024-03-08 css-generator: fix Instagram videos at size=unchanged

2024-03-07 web-imap-etc: imapfix don't dedot postponed

2024-03-06 mwr2ly: double bar before @ is not a syntax error

2024-03-05 web-imap-etc: maclinux tested on 14.1.1

2024-03-04 indexer: ohi_online fix spurious HTML header duplication when run as adjuster extension on Python 3

2024-03-03 web-imap-etc: imapfix super_trusted_domain option

2024-03-02 mwr2ly: skipBars by default (almost every CUCOS part needs it)

2024-03-01 web-imap-etc: StackExchange rate-limit problems

2024-02-29 bits-and-bobs: add

2024-02-28 CedPane: update (fixes #68 in GitHub)

2024-02-27 midi-beeper: handle unusual pitch bends (fixes #1 on GitHub)

2024-02-26 indexer: anemone don't remove CJK single-character words just because they were in A tags in the html

2024-02-25 indexer: anemone sensible error messages if dependencies not installed; Stratus4 test fail was wrong CD write

2024-02-24 indexer: anemone handle chapters without headings, nested spans with ID; allow br; allow HTML docs on command line; rm spurious footnote links

2024-02-23 indexer: anemone allow JSON to be passed inline not just via a file (may be useful for wrapper scripts)

2024-02-22 indexer: anemone Windows charset handling

2024-02-21 web-imap-etc: webcheck support commands that make RSS

2024-02-20 web-imap-etc: imapfix maildir_to_process option

2024-02-19 lexconvert: improve --syllables option

2024-02-18 indexer: Anemone omit 0-length audio from SMIL when possible

2024-02-17 css-generator: fix Wattpad messaging

2024-02-16 indexer: Anemone chapter numbers before headings: adjust audio jump navigation also

2024-02-15 midi-beeper: really add Mac binary to repository

2024-02-15 midi-beeper: might as well add small mac-playmidi binary (10.7-compiled)

2024-02-14 web-imap-etc: smtp2oauth v1.0

2024-02-13 midi-beeper: mac-playmidi deviceNo option

2024-02-12 lexconvert: add x-sampa-strict variant (fixes #6 on GitHub)

2024-02-11 indexer: anemone fix recoding large numbers of chapters + page numbers sometimes hanging readers on load; cross-platform cache; recode at 64 not 96; let's call this 1.0

2024-02-10 indexer: anemone fix unused images from page footers being included in zip and NCC; parse flags when used as module

2024-02-09 indexer: anemone handle chapter numbers before headings

2024-02-08 indexer: anemone strip ruby (readers don't handle it properly) + work around markers for missing paragraphs

2024-02-07 indexer: anemone list option + works as module

2024-02-06 indexer: anemone CLI take URLs + reload,refresh options

2024-02-05 web-imap-etc: imapfix add_return_path option (so rules can still work for local messages after an institution moves to Outlook)

2024-02-04 indexer: anemone image-attribute Daisy 3 compatibility

2024-02-03 indexer: anemone image-attribute option (Daisy 2 only for now)

2024-02-02 adjuster: annogen allow known-characters option in browser extensions

2024-02-01 indexer: fixed DAISY 3 output

2024-01-31 CedPane: Update CedPane

2024-01-30 indexer: broken DAISY 3 output

2024-01-29 adjuster: annogen refactor, fixes isTxt-etc regexes in browser extension

2024-01-28 indexer: URL update

2024-01-27 indexer: Anemone documentation

2024-01-26 bits-and-bobs: FreeBSD Dvorak layout on newer X11 packages

2024-01-25 css-generator: fix a couple more video sites at size=unchanged

2024-01-24 lexconvert: minor documentation formatting

2024-01-23 css-generator: fix Business Insider at size=unchanged

2024-01-22 web-typography: avoid double-unescaping numeric entities in Gemini output

2024-01-21 gradint: Cantonese handle emoji pass-through on Python 2

2024-01-20 adjuster: fix warnings in Python 3.12

2024-01-19 config: emacs compatibility with more utf-8 filesystems

2024-01-18 CedPane: Update CedPane

2024-01-17 web-imap-etc: imapfix replace angle brackets after rewrite_return_path_SRS (may help with rules portability)

2024-01-16 gradint: player RPi12 comment

2024-01-15 web-imap-etc: imapfix recheck before idle in some circumstances

2024-01-14 gradint: player does not need to start pulseaudio on startup

2024-01-13 web-imap-etc: imapfix debug_trusted_domain option + update logic

2024-01-12 indexer: Anemone: parallelise MP3 recode; --allow-jumps, --url options + compatibility tweaks

2024-01-11 web-imap-etc: imapfix invalidate Oauth token on login fail

2024-01-10 indexer: FSPlayer compatibility

2024-01-09 web-imap-etc: imapfix sync_needed_only_if_touched_maildirs option

2024-01-08 indexer: remove ineffective stylesheet

2024-01-07 web-imap-etc: imapfix remote SMTP on ports other than 465 + accept Mutt-style oauth2; works on Outlook now

2024-01-06 config: Emacs 28.2 warns about make-obsolete on startup

2024-01-05 web-imap-etc: imapfix oauth fail logging

2024-01-04 adjuster: getdefaultlocale deprecated in Python 3.11

2024-01-03 web-imap-etc: imapfix improve newmail-marker handling with maildirs

2024-01-02 gradint: Rasbperry Pi OS 12 Bluetooth settings

2024-01-01 web-imap-etc: imapfix handle Maildir++

2024-01-01 polipo2: 2024: I'm still here, no issues yet apart from local fireworks not letting me sleep

2023-12-31 CedPane: Update CedPane

2023-12-30 jianpu-ly: ties always from numbers (fixes #53 on GitHub)

2023-12-29 jianpu-ly: guitar chords (fixes #44 on GitHub)

2023-12-28 web-imap-etc: imapfix pause if over quota on save

2023-12-27 jianpu-ly: rest-hack for isolated short rests can be turned off in beamed groups (fixes #52 on GitHub)

2023-12-26 jianpu-ly: add version to runtime (fixes #51 on GitHub)

2023-12-25 jianpu-ly: handle lyrics smaller than staff

2023-12-24 indexer: anemones don't eat apples

2023-12-23 css-generator: fix at size=unchanged

2023-12-22 jianpu-ly: refactor j2ly_lyric_size, add warning

2023-12-21 CedPane: Update CedPane

2023-12-20 lexconvert: can use pickle even on Python 2 at negligible speed difference (fixes #5 on GitHub)

2023-12-19 gradint: fix Mac afplay partials-synth on Python 3

2023-12-18 indexer: Anemone zip compression (DeflN allowed)

2023-12-17 indexer: Anemone page numbers

2023-12-16 indexer: legacy service routines from iSilo-build script

2023-12-15 indexer: Anemone fix pagination + spacing glitches

2023-12-14 indexer: Anemone heading depths + quick mode from MP3 filenames + license

2023-12-13 indexer: Anemone MVP


All material © Silas S. Brown unless otherwise stated. Android is a trademark of Google LLC. Bluetooth is a registered trademark held by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. FreeBSD is a registered trademark of the FreeBSD Foundation. GitHub is a trademark of GitHub Inc. Google is a trademark of Google LLC. Google Maps is a trademark of Google LLC. Mac is a trademark of Apple Inc. MP3 is a trademark that was registered in Europe to Hypermedia GmbH Webcasting but I was unable to confirm its current holder. Outlook is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Python is a trademark of the Python Software Foundation. RISC OS is a trademark of Pace Micro Technology Plc which might now have passed to RISC OS Ltd but I was unable to find definitive documentation. Safari is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. TeX is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society. Unicode is a registered trademark of Unicode, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Wattpad is a trademark of Wattpad Corp. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc. Zoom is a trademark of Zoom Video Communications, Inc. Any other trademarks I mentioned without realising are trademarks of their respective holders.