I've held this little space on the smol.pub for a while already, enough to know that, yes, this is working for me, and yes, I like this place. I like both reading the posts in the feed (I read all of them! well, all the ones in English or Spanish), and I like writing my thoughts here, even if I don't do it as often as I sometimes would like to.
Having confessed my enjoyment of the smol.pub, I must now take the next step. I have used this place rather haphazardly, merely blurting out a post whenever I feel compelled to express myself, and letting it sink into the feed with time. Only I can easily access my posts, and I haven't made a systematic effort at structuring this as a sort of "personal space"'; it's time to change that. I have seen others here "announce" a restructuring of their space, so why not me? I can use this space to outline the intentions of how I expect to use the little space I have on the smol.pub which m15o has been so kind as to provide.
The idea of a digital garden has been taking hold, and not without good reason. It's nice to make something nice, and have it grow with time and effort. I'll take the opportunity to make this space as a repository of my writings in different domains: personal essays, uncontrolled rants, serial reports, and resource listings.
I think about so many things, things that I don't always develop fully into writing, on which I ruminate but I seldom structure as a sort of coherent argument. I feel I need to do this a lot more, to put my ideas in order, to let them loose in the world, and not to let them die with me. I have so much to say, but there is a problem, I am a little insecure about them. I am by no means no expert on anything, I'm often wrong, and whenever I give an opinion on the internet, it would be often bitterly attacked. That last part was partly due to *where* I would post them, a place of sheer hostility, which made me very wary of publishing my opinions online. I need to trascend this insecurity, and also to develop the discipline to carry out an argument in writing.
Along with the personal essays, which are supposed to put forth serious arguments, there are uncontrolled rants, which, as the term suggests, are nothing but outburst of emotion and opinions that arise in the moment, without thoughtful development, and not meant to be taken seriously, often subject to change of mind.
An example of these would be the Chicken Reports, of which a new one is already due. These are periodical reports on one or another thread of development that I am pursuing. Projects I am undertaking, etc. Right now, I am thinking of adding an additional report, called "Terraforming Earth", expect it soon.
I collect many resources on the internet, everybody does. In my case, it's mostly books. I need to keep track of the multitude of books that I end up downloading at one time or another. Organize them by topic, list them to remember them in the future, perhaps add a little review for the ones that most catch my interest.
Part of the digital garden thing is a personal wiki of sorts. At present, the wiki is not meant to be a very big, comprehensive thing. Just a little roadmap of my brain. Or of a single topic. I am currently compiling a reference of 易經 texts, commentaries, and translations, for easy reference. This should properly go into a more dedicated place to have all this. But in the meantime, I may have them here as a preview. After all, it's not bound to take a lot of space.
* * *
Right now even my personal page on the pub is but a few words I wrote when I first started this. It doesn't link my posts or the half-written pages I have stored. I should change this soon. Eventually, everything should be in order, and I may only need to let it grow with time and with further writing.
Well, that's about all I can think of, for now. This is the oultine of what I expect to do with my space on the smolweb.
I wish you all a good day.