Warframe has been working reasonably well. There have been glitches and snags where I can't tell if the UI bugging out, or game freezing is because 'bugframe' or if it's because 'trying to make the penguine do windows gaming.' Each glitch is relatively minor now that I've realized that 'enhanced graphics engine' is an absolute no go, and I'm better off staying with directx 11... For Now.
System Shock 2... Just Works. Literally just easiest thing in the world. 'launch with WINE?' Yessir. Boom, mods, fan missions, everything just works. Granted it's a twenty year old game, but still, it is one of my favorites. I am looking forward to the supposed enhanced edition even though it will on a user facing level mostly involve bundling in a bunch of community mods and updates, but it's the backend 'here we are going to finally have control over the engine' that excites me. System shock multi-player turns a tense survival horror game into 'four drunken idiots stumbling about having laughs.' I'm looking forward to netcode that not only allows more stable connections (system shock 2's multiplayer was a last minute addition so is horrifyingly buggy) and allow players to spread out and not all need to be on one deck (before, you had to have everyone on the same level or thigns borked._ Should lead to some fun shenanagins.
Graveyard Keeper continues to amuse me. I have both it and Stardew Vally. I like both, but for some reason Graveyard Keeper just kinda... suits me better I guess? Both start with 'hey you have to clean this mess up' and both have events that only happen at specific times, but for some reason with Graveyard Keeper I don't feel that same pressure to advance things. 'Oh hey the Inquisitor wants you to make a bunch of fliars,' Sorry man I'm busy cleaning up the church yard while the furnaces smelt things I'll need later and then I might end up going into the dungeon that's under my house to murder things because I want onion seeds dagnabbit because BURGERS.'
Streets of Rage 4 works. I like it, but not as much as I thought because it demands you keep combo up, and so has what I feel is a weaker grapple system. Cherri is the only one that moves what i feel at a reasonable speed, and... it is beautiful, it has wonderful art, but it for some reason just doesn't sit right.
I've managed to get the mobile version of sonic 2 I bought years back working with a native engine. I'm still figuring things out because mods do exist to make things a little nicer (a better menue, making the colors more Genesis/Megadrive accurate, there's even someone working on a complete rescore using a synthasizer that uses the same sound chip the genesis uses.) However even with my limited understanding? I have an old favorite running natively.
Speaking of 'things running natively' I got my android copy of minecraft working. There were a few snags getting started, but that was both because I was making some assumptions I shouldn't have when doing setup, and my vision is still recovering. Past those initial hiccups? I'm back to punching trees. I still can't get the painterly pack working, or other mods as the 'oh hey just drag and drop' instructions... aren't working, but I'll figure it out. The important thing is the game itself works.
Both of those are important to me because I thought I would need to install AnBox to emulae an android setup which, if I'm right, still needs to bake a little while before being ready. So having things run natively? I like it. A Lot.
As I said, warframe has glitches that pop up now and again ranging from the UI stuttering for the rest of a mission instead of a couple seconds, the game freezing up when loading into railjack or open worlds, andj ust other things that now and again pop up that make me go 'OK... I'm done for the night.'
Sonic 2 works, but i don't know how to get mods to work for it and i don't know how to make a shortcut so I can tap icon and 'boom game' Instead of having to pull terminal up and launch from there. It's absolutely possible, but I'm kinda scratching my head. If I can solve those, especially the modding situation, awesome. Best version of sonic 2 sorted out.
TemTem... Teechnically works, but the framerate even with fixes just plain isn't there. This makes me unhappy because on windows with this exact machine it just works. Now? It's acting like I need more ram anda beefier video card. Which annoys me because I like the pokemon-like game. It's fun and colorful and it annoys me when things that used to work, stop.
Streets of Rage Remake flat out hasn't been working. There is a linux build but the instructions to get it going take a bit of searching because technically sega told Bomber Games 'either stop or we sue' a month or so after the 'final' version came out. I'll figure it out.
Septerra Core hasn't wanted to install via Lutris. This annoys me because it's a fun weird JRPG styled game with an interesting cosmology, art style, and blendo f technology, magic, and mystacism. Something to work on but right now a low priority.
Just keep in mind my computer is a 2014ish office workstation I shoved a budget GT1030 and an SSD into. If I had a bigger more capible system I'd be running Doom Eternal and the like. However my gaming wants are few, and I honestly got this system originally and then upgraded it so what I do play runs nicer and to future proof.