I have been having a lot of fun over the last couple of weeks tweaking and fiddling with my config. I've switched to straight for package management and started to dig into org-agenda.

And here's what I came up with yesterday:

(setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "SHUHARI" "KAIZEN" "KANBAN" "IKIGAI" "|" "ARCHIVE")))

In no particular sequence and with no more TODOs lurking in files to repremand me weeks and months later. I want to get things done without any GTD hanging over my head. What I'm trying is every morning I will pick out three vague and almost effortlessly do-able goals for KANBAN. Today, Sunday, I have a difficult email to write and a lisp video to work through with my son. The third is to do some writing. Check.

And what I want to look at today is embark: should it be possible to use embark and just a few - just a few! - key-bindings to achieve all that I want? Do I really need orderless and selectrum?