2024-09-25 beingness

2024-09-22 week 38 - autumn arrives

2024-09-18 life bits

2024-09-15 week 37 recap

2024-09-08 week 36 recap

2024-09-06 back to school

2024-09-01 week 35 recap

2024-08-30 voyage into spirit

2024-08-28 a guided life

2024-08-25 week 34 recap

2024-08-22 good things and voyager tarot

2024-08-19 new compass

2024-08-18 week 33 recap

2024-08-13 project oriented doggo

2024-08-11 week 32 recap

2024-08-07 annual august pep-talk

2024-08-04 week 31 recap

2024-07-30 art and the digital

2024-07-29 week 30 recap

2024-07-28 art shit

2024-07-21 week 29 recap

2024-07-19 another year older

2024-07-14 week 28 recap

2024-07-14 falling asleep

2024-07-07 becoming is hard

2024-06-27 heatwave project

2024-06-25 becoming new

2024-06-20 big brain dump 2

2024-06-20 the lioness oracle study

2024-06-18 last week of spring

2024-06-10 lady of woodstock novena

2024-06-06 tending to various needs this new moon

2024-06-05 all about love

2024-06-04 "part of a whole" tarot spread

2024-06-01 the creative act

2024-05-30 celtic cross: revamped

2024-05-28 a little end of may diary

2024-05-26 time blocks update

2024-05-24 the oldest tarot spread in the world

2024-05-23 circle of eight tarot spread

2024-05-22 freedom through limitation

2024-05-21 new magic sprout

2024-05-18 paying attention

2024-05-06 getting to know the somnia tarot

2024-05-03 made my second tarot

2024-04-30 big brain dump

2024-04-29 the family tree tarot spread

2024-04-26 home again

2024-04-24 last day, last time

2024-04-20 internationally tired

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