Split big pdf into printable peaces

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🏷 pdf

Created:   2022-08-01
Copyright: CC-BY-SA 4.0
Language:  en

I've got a task to print my geni.com family tree. I downloaded all needed data as a GED file and imported into Gramps. Then I generated all tree as a big one PDF as other choices looks not nice.

Then and I came into the problem how to split big pdf file or as other say: tile the pdf.

There is super awesome command line program in Linux ecosystem called Pdfposter[1].

It follows simple Unix philosophy: do one thing and do it right. So, the purpose of the program is to take a pdf file and create printable pdf for needed size. It can do that in two choices: scale and split or give a layout and fit in it.


I have split big.pdf to 4 a1 format pages by simple command:

pdfposter -p 4x1a4 big.pdf out.pdf

1: Pdfposter

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