



- Condition: VG6

- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87


- Target: δ Serpentis

- Const: Serpens

- RaDec: 15h34m +10°32

- Type: Star (Double)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 57x, 1/2 stop-down

- Double: AB: 165°


Clean and easy to split. Stop down helped obtain a cleaner view.


- Target: M 5

- Const: Serpens

- RaDec: 15h18m +2°5

- Type: Globular Cluster

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 57x, AV


Not very bright, but also not the best night to be viewing clusters. I'll probably want to revisit this one and the two from the last session once the moon is below the horizon. Time with AV helped discern a larger size beyond the dense core.

Found by navigating to ω Serpentis and decreasing RA.


- Target: κ Herculis

- Const: Hercules

- RaDec: 16h08m +17°03

- Type: Star (Double)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 57x

- Double: AB: 15°


Might be the easiest double I've done. I didn't have to work for it at all.


- Target: α Herculis

- Const: Hercules

- RaDec: 17h14m +14°23

- Type: Star (Double)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 150x, 1/2 stop-down

- Double: AB: 103°


The color was the first thing I noticed. Much more yellow/orange that most double stars I've viewed recently.