



- Condition: E6

- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87


- Target: β Scorpii

- Const: Scorpius

- RaDec: 16h05m -19°48

- Type: Star (Double)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 57x

- Double: AB: 20°


Nice and easy split. Took a while to find Scorpius since I'm unfamiliar with it. Had to catch this session while the top of Scorpius was between a tree and Butch's house. Primary appears yellow.


- Target: ν Scorpii

- Const: Scorpius

- RaDec: 16h12m -19°28

- Type: Star (Double)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 57x

- Double: AB: 350°


Easy split. Primary looks white / blue.


- Target: ξ Scorpii

- Const: Scorpius

- RaDec: 16h04m -11°22

- Type: Star (Double)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 150x

- Double: AB: 45°


- Target: Struve 1999

- Const: Scorpius

- RaDec: 16h04m -11°27

- Type: Star (Double)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 150x

- Double: AB: 90°

A double-double! ξ Scorpii's sibling is faint and hard to see. Struve 1999 has both stars appear at very similar magnitudes.


- Target: M 4

- Const: Scorpius

- RaDec: 16h23m -26°32

- Type: Globular Cluster

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 40x


Faint. This is likely from being so low on the horizon. AV is helping discern the shape, but I'm noticing more variation from AV than usual. Depending on where I look using AV, the target appears either circular, or a sharp vertical oval. I've seen variation when using AV before, but nothing like this!