



- Condition: E5

- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87


- Target: ν Draconis

- Const: Draco

- RaDec: 17h32m +55°11

- Type: Star (Double)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 57x

- Double: AB: 150° or 300°


The primary and secondary are so similar that I cannot tell which is which; same size, magnitude and color. Going to include both possible PA's. Very wide split.


- Target: μ Draconis

- Const: Draco

- RaDec: 17h05m +54°28

- Type: Star (Double)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 150x

- Double: AB: 180° or 360°


Again, similar in size, magnitude and color. The separation is very small this time and I was just able to get a full split.


- Target: 16/17 Draconis

- Const: Draco

- RaDec: 16h36m +52°55

- Type: Star (Multiple)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 150x

- Double: AB: 90° or 180°


Variable, all three are similar in color and mag with the closer sibling a little less bright.


- Target: ψ Draconis

- Const: Draco

- RaDec: 17h41m +72°09

- Type: Star (Double)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 57x

- Double: AB: 15°


Very evident yellowish color in both. This time the sibling is much less bright.