- Condition: E7
- Location: Erik's Ranch: 45.49, -110.70
- Target: 40/41 Draconis
- Const: Draco
- RaDec: 18h00m +80°
- Type: Star (Double)
- Scope: ST80
- Setting: 59x
- Double: AB: 250°
These targets near Polaris are a little tricky with the GEM. Found by centering between ζ and ε Ursae Minoris, then turning RA to the approximate location. The pair are similar in magnitude, but the secondary appears to be more yellow in color.
- Target: 70 Ophiuchi
- Const: Ophiuchus
- RaDec: 18h05m +2°3
- Type: Star (Double)
- Scope: ST80
- Setting: 59x
- Double: AB: 135°
Primary seems much brighter than the secondary. The secondary keeps "popping" in and out of view.
- Target: M 26
- Const: Scutum
- RaDec: 18h45m -9°24
- Type: Open Cluster
- Scope: ST80
- Setting: 40x, AV
Can see three or four stars in the cluster easily. AV produces a glow around these stars. Fairly small in size.
- Target: M 11, Wild Duck Cluster
- Const: Scutum
- RaDec: 18h51m -6°16
- Type: Open Cluster
- Scope: ST80
- Setting: 40x
AV is totally not required. Even still, a ton of details are coming through. Shape is almost cone-like?
- Target: Θ Serpentis
- Const: Serpens
- RaDec: 18h56m +4°12
- Type: Star (Double)
- Scope: ST80
- Setting: 40x
- Double: AB: 110°
Easy to find, both are near similar magnitude but exactly the same color. Looks like two eyes staring back at me!
- Target: Saturn
- Scope: ST80
- Setting: 150x, 1/2 stop-down
As a treat to finish off the night, I took a look at Saturn for my first time! I could clearly make out the rings at 60x before zooming in. So cool. I'm catching three bits of light around it, possibly three moons?
- Target: Vesta 4, Astroid
- Scope: ST80
- Setting: 150x
Following close behind Saturn tonight is Vesta 4, my first Astroid! I had to wait a bit for it to appear from behind a tree. I also had to use Stellarium to help me locate and track it. Similar to a star in appearance, but the light seems more subtle and spread out. Not super impressive to look at, but still cool!