- Condition: VG6
- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87
- Target: M 27, Dumbbell Nebula
- Const: Vulpecula
- RaDec: 19h59m +22°43
- Type: Planetary Nebula
- Scope: ST80
- Setting: 44x
Found just above γ Sagittae. AV is not required for detection, but it helps accentuate the glow and brings the object to life. The glow is rather equally spread throughout the area of the object, with a sharp drop-off near the edges. No noticeable size growth with AV.
- Target: M 29
- Const: Cygnus
- RaDec: 20h23m +38°32
- Type: Open Cluster
- Scope: ST80
- Setting: 44x
Found just below γ Cygni. A neat arrangement of stars. The brightest almost form the shape of a chalice.
- Target: M 72
- Const: Aquarius
- RaDec: 20h53m -12°32
- Type: Globular Cluster
- Scope: ST80
- Setting: 36x, AV
Found below ε Aquarii. This might be the faintest object I've seen in a while. AV was required for detection. I can see one pin-prick of light with "patches" of definition around it. Prolonged AV produces pin-pricks of light within the "patches".