



- Condition: G5

- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87


- Target: 31 Cygni

- Const: Cygnus

- RaDec: 20h13m +46°44

- Type: Star (Multiple)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 59x

- Double: AB: 170°, AC: 310°


Easily found west of Deneb. Primary is a yellow-orange, secondary looks to be a violet-blue, and trinary, third seems to be white.


- Target: 61 Cygni

- Const: Cygnus

- RaDec: 21h06m +38°45

- Type: Star (Double)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 59x

- Double: AB: 150°


Easily found again. Southeast of Deneb. Both primary and secondary are a yellow color.


- Target: β Cephei

- Const: Cepheus

- RaDec: 21h28m +70°34

- Type: Star (Double)

- Scope: ST80

- Setting: 59x, 1/2 Stop down, AV

- Double: AB: 270°


Took me a while to see the sibling. Very dim compared to the primary. I had to remove the Barlow lens, add a stop-down, fine adjust the focus, tap the lens and rely on AV in order to see it.