- Condition: VG6
- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87
- Target: T Draconis
- Const: Draco
- RaDec: 17h56m +58°13
- Type: Star (Carbon)
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 100x
Second attempt at T Draconis. Took me almost half an hour of zooming in on stars north of ξ Draconis before I was able to locate it. Sibling to a much brighter star. I could detect a yellow-orange color right off the bat. AV was almost necessary, as it was very faint.
- Target: NGC 6543, Cat's Eye Nebula
- Const: Draco
- RaDec: 17h58m +66°37
- Type: Planetary Nebula
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 100x-200x
First caught sight of it in the finder-scope, looked like an unusually fat star. AV does not do much until zoomed in to 200x, then you just begin to get glimpses of shape and definition.
- Target: M 13, Hercules Globular Cluster
- Const: Hercules
- RaDec: 16h41m +36°27
- Type: Globular Cluster
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 200x
Before heading in for the night, I decided to take a peek at M13 again and attempt a closer zoom on it. I was able to push the zoom to 200x and maintain good clarity. M13 filled the eyepiece at 200x, this is the best view I've ever had of it!