- Condition: G5
- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87
- Target: TT Cygni
- Const: Cygnus
- RaDec: 19h40m +32°37
- Type: Star (Carbon)
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 30x
Easy find. Solid orange.
- Target: AW Cygni
- Const: Cygnus
- RaDec: 19h28m +46°02
- Type: Star (Carbon)
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 30x
Needed help with this one. I had to pan a bit in the area before I was able to spot it. Deep orange, almost red. A little dim in comparison to some of the surrounding stars.
- Target: AX Cygni
- Const: Cygnus
- RaDec: 19h57m +44°15
- Type: Star (Carbon)
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 30x
A very robust orange. Easy find.