



- Condition: VG6

- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87


- Target: NGC 7293, Helix Nebula

- Const: Aquarius

- RaDec: 22h29m -20°50

- Type: Planetary Nebula

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x, Orion Ultrablock, AV


Very surprised! Given the magnitude and how low on the horizon the target was I was not expecting much. I could detect a trace of noise prior to using the Ultrablock filter, but after adding it the noise became a consistent dim "glow". At first the glow appeared to be uniform across the circular shape, but taking time with AV made a dramatic impact. I was able to discern more of the shape of a "ring", where the center grew slightly more dim.


- Target: NGC 7009, Saturn Nebula

- Const: Aquarius

- RaDec: 21h04m -11°21

- Type: Planetary Nebula

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 110x, Orion Ultrablock, AV


A simple, slightly elongated bright dot. Zooming in to 110x made the elongation more apparent. Not getting much detail, and between the magnification and the filter I'm not getting many stars in the frame either.