- Condition: VG6
- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87
- Target: NSV 13571 (HD 201626)
- Const: Vulpecula
- RaDec: 21h09m +26°36
- Type: Star (Carbon)
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 55x
Pale yellow. Not easy to find, needed some help to confirm I had the right star.
- Target: RU Aquarii
- Const: Aquarius
- RaDec: 23h24m -17°19
- Type: Star (Carbon)
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 55x
Needed help confirming this one too. There was one or two other stars above the "bow" asterism which looked like they could be candidates. Wasn't sure on the color, after some time it seems closer to red.
- Target: NGC 7027, Magic Carpet
- Const: Cygnus
- RaDec: 21h07m +42°14
- Type: Planetary Nebula
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 165x, Orion Ultrablock
Almost looked like a close double at 55x. At 165x, with the Ultrablock filter, it started to form an almost rectangular appearance. Pretty bright, but at lower magnifications could easily be missed as another star.