



- Condition: VG5

- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87


- Target: M 31, Andromeda Galaxy

- Const: Andromeda

- RaDec: 00h42m +41°16

- Type: Spiral Galaxy

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x


- Target: M 42, Orion Nebula

- Const: Orion

- RaDec: 05h35m -05°23

- Type: Diffuse Nebula

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x, Orion Ultrablock

Now that Orion was well over the horizon, I went out to view the Orion Nebula for the first time in a while. This time I was able to use my Ultrablock filter. I feel like the Ultrablock helps expand the size of the nebula out a bit, and I feel I was able to get a little more definition in the structure.


- Target: NGC 281, PacMan Nebula

- Const: Cassiopeia

- RaDec: 00h52m +56°33

- Type: Nebula

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x, Orion Ultrablock, AV


The Ultrablock filter seems like it could be a requirement. I wasn't able to discern much (hardly a detection) without it. With the filter, the nebula still takes a decent amount of AV before it materializes, once it does, the view of it is pretty good. I can make out the "mouth" of Pacman. There are a few stars coming out of the mouth in a straight line which look like the "dots" that Pacman eats.


- Target: NGC 7635, Bubble Nebula

- Const: Cassiopeia

- RaDec: 23h20m +61°12

- Type: Nebula

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x, Orion Ultrablock, AV


A bit difficult. Prolonged AV would allow a circular shape to pop in and out of view.


- Target: NGC 457, ET Cluster

- Const: Cassiopeia

- RaDec: 01h19m +58°16

- Type: Open Cluster

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x


Cool cluster! Has distinct shape with three "branches" of stars forming the shape of a triangle.


- Target: NGC 663, Collinder 20

- Const: Cassiopeia

- RaDec: 01h46m +61°12

- Type: Open Cluster

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x


Once I set my eyes on the target, only a few of the brightest stars were apparent. In a matter of 5-10 seconds, some of the smaller stars gradually came into view in unison. Almost as if someone slowly turned up a dimmer switch.