- Condition: G5
- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87
- Target: U Camelopardalis
- Const: Camelopardalis
- RaDec: 03h41m +62°38
- Type: Star (Carbon)
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 55x
Deep orange.
- Target: UV Camelopardalis
- Const: Camelopardalis
- RaDec: 04h05m +61°47
- Type: Star (Carbon)
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 55x
I could have missed it if I didn't know it was there. Very faint. For some reason, I was really only able to get a detection of orange color out of while slightly de-focused.
- Target: ST Camelopardalis
- Const: Camelopardalis
- RaDec: 04h51m +68°10
- Type: Star (Carbon)
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 55x
Vibrant yellow
- Target: S Camelopardalis
- Const: Camelopardalis
- RaDec: 05h41m +68°47
- Type: Star (Carbon)
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 55x
Deep orange. A near perfect 5-sided asterism is nearby to the NE.