



- Condition: VG6

- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87


- Target: NGC 772, Arp 78

- Const: Aries

- RaDec: 01h59m +19°00

- Type: Galaxy

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x, AV


This target took a long time to find / detect (this was also my second attempt). Prolonged AV in the expected area finally gave me glimpses. The size grew a little over time as I observed it, and I get the impression that this galaxy is just so slightly oblong.


- Target: NGC 185, MCG 8-2-10

- Const: Cassiopeia

- RaDec: 00h38m +48°20

- Type: Galaxy

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x, AV


This one also took a long time to find. I had to go in for a while to let Stellarium help confirm the location. Prolonged AV allowed it to pop into view briefly a few times. Rather small and close to a uniform circle.

Both targets tonight were pretty hard. I had 4 items on my list but had ran out of endurance in the 12° temperatures in the backyard.