- Condition: VG6
- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87
- Target: IC 289, PN G138.8+02.8
- Const: Cassiopeia
- RaDec: 03h10m +61°19
- Type: Planetary Nebula
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 55x, AV
This was my second night attempting this target, it could be the most difficult PN I've yet seen. It was virtually undetectable, and I had to consult Stellarium multiple times to confirm I was in the right location. Eventually, prolonged AV (20-ish) minutes gave me a few split-second glimpses. Interestingly, the Ultrablock filter seemed to make it worse and I could not even get a detection with it installed. Not sure I'm going to be able to get a full observation of this target from my backyard. Going to note this one for a revisit from a darker location.
- Target: NGC 1931
- Const: Auriga
- RaDec: 05h31m +34°13
- Type: Nebula
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 55x, Ultrablock, AV
Easy to find and in a beautiful location in the sky. Nestled between M36 just outside of the FOV to the east and φ Aurigae to the west. Ultrablock is required for observation and prolonged AV helped grow the size a little. I'm getting a hint that the shape is more triangular.