- Condition: VG5
- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87
- Target: Mons Piton
- Type: Mountain
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 306x, Moon & Skyglow filter
It was certainly a different experience to locate a target on the moon and observe it. I used the zoom lense at 7mm with the 3x barlow to push magnification past the theoretical maximum to 306x. The moon moved so quickly at this magnification that I had to continually re-adjust to keep it in the FoV.
I might have to revisit getting the RA tracking motor attached to the new mount.
Mons Piton was a fun test. I noticed what looked like a narrow shadow running from the top down its west side. The shadow near the top had a distinct "hook" to it.