- Condition: VG6
- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87
A thin blanket of clouds appeared shortly after setting up to the north. Interestingly enough, the edge of the clouds followed the line of stars that make up the tail of Ursa Major. While sketching NGC 4157, I kept glancing up nervously expecting the clouds to drift further south towards my target, but it never happened!
This did prevent me from observing NGC 4605 though.
- Target: NGC 4157, MCG 9-20-106
- Const: Ursa Major
- RaDec: 12h11m +50.29
- Type: Galaxy
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 55x, AV
Second attempt at this target. AV is required for detection. I had to get some help finding it by studying the star pattern ahead of time. Even after finding the correct location, it took a few minutes of AV at the eye piece before it would appear. It seems to be edge on, running from east to west.