- Condition: VG4
- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87
- Target: Crater, Cassini A
- Type: Crater (~7 days)
- Target: Crater, Autolycus
- Type: Crater (~7 day)
- Target: Crater, Aristillus
- Type: Crater (~7 day)
- Target: Mons Hadley
- Type: Mountain
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 306x, Moon & Skyglow filter
This sketch is a little hurried. The moon was low on the horizon and I knew I had a limited window of time. I had to reposition the scope twice as the moon kept descending into trees or roofs.
The sketch represents the intersection between Mare Tranquillitatis (to the west) and Mare Serenitatis (to the east). The interesting variety of landscapes make this a visually pleasant location that I'll likely revisit in the future (hopefully with a more detailed sketch).
The Cassini crater is the shallow crater with a smaller crater (Cassini A) within it. Autolycus and Aristillus are the two craters to the south of Cassini.
Mons Hadley is in the range of mountains further to the south.