



- Condition: VG6

- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87


- Target: NGC 6530, NGC 6523

- Type: Open Cluster

- Target: M 8, Lagoon Nebula

- Type: Diffuse Nebula

- Const: Sagittarius

- RaDec: 18h04m -24.23

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x, Orion Ultrablock

- Class: II 3 m


I was excited to see NGC 6530 on the list of open clusters as it is the cluster right in the middle of the Lagoon Nebula.

The Lagoon was beautiful tonight. The dimmer stars within were twinkling as I sketched. The Ultrablock seemed to expand the visibility of the nebula, especially into the north and east. The west portion of the nebula was easily the brightest, with or without the Ultrablock filter.


- Target: Tr 33, Cr 378

- Type: Open Cluster

- Const: Sagittarius

- RaDec: 18h24m -19.43

- Scope: AT102ED

- Setting: 55x

- Class: III 2 m


Found south west of M 25. A point within the east side of the cluster produced an asterism which resembled a bow.