Generator of printable calendars
i386-aros (domenico lattanzi mailfence com)
generic (Crash Noise Division)
Convert numbers between bin/oct/dec/hex
m68k-amigaos (Kim Fastrup Larsen)
BitTorrent client with MUI + AREXX
m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 (David Zvekic)
m68k-amigaos >= 1.1 (J.J. Caspers)
Signetics-based machines emulator
ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)
Minimalist, low-toned. 8 bit xm
generic (Crash Noise Division)
Dark Orchestral, part 1 of 3. 8 bit xm
generic (Crash Noise Division)
Signetics-based machines emulator
m68k-amigaos >= 3.9.2 (James Jacobs)
Signetics-based machines emulator
ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (James Jacobs)
Demo version of the 3D strategy RPG
m68k-amigaos >= 3.0 (tirionareonwe )
8-channel, slow and heavy. 8 bit xm
generic (Crash Noise Division)
Looping Bossfight Music. 8 bit xm
generic (Crash Noise Division) (game/board)
i386-aros (info iacosoft com Giovanni Iacobelli)
Metal with synth leads. 8 bit xm
generic (Crash Noise Division)
ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)
Looping Action Game Music. 8 bit xm
generic (Crash Noise Division)
generic (Crash Noise Division)
Short/Slow/Drudging/Loops. 8 bit xm
generic (Crash Noise Division)
Signetics-based machines emulator
ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)
Memory Log Tool, to Screen & Disk
m68k-amigaos >= 3.0 (Dan Waddington)
Tribal drums/synth strings. 8 bit xm
generic (Crash Noise Division)
Statistics of Euro Champs 1960-2024
generic (Pasi Ylinen)
Looping Action Game Music. 8 bit xm
generic (Crash Noise Division)
generic (Crash Noise Division)
Looping Action Game Music. 8 bit xm
generic (Crash Noise Division)
generic (Stefan Haubenthal)
ppc-morphos; m68k-amigaos (Stefan Haubenthal)
Converter from BMP to TMS9928 format
ppc-morphos; m68k-amigaos (Stefan Haubenthal)
Simple, slow, and creepy. 8 bit xm
generic (Crash Noise Division)
REDPILLGameCreator.lha (dev/misc)
m68k-amigaos (trackerhero )
ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)
BASIC compiler for Colecovision
ppc-morphos; m68k-amigaos (Stefan Haubenthal)
laffiks_fractal.lha (dev/amos)
generic (Pawel Niejadlik)
m68k-amigaos >= 3.9.2 (James Jacobs)
ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (James Jacobs)
m68k-amigaos (hakke gmx de)
m68k-amigaos (hakke gmx de)
All drums (Not a solo). 8 bit xm
generic (Crash Noise Division)
BASIC compiler for Colecovision
ppc-morphos; m68k-amigaos (Stefan Haubenthal)
Generic (
1-10 player tank combat (updated Tankkk)
m68k-amigaos >= 1.2 (K-P Koljonen)
m68k-amigaos >= 3.9.2 (James Jacobs)
ReportPlus-OS4.lha (util/misc)
ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (James Jacobs)
m68k-amigaos (kwwoolridge )
m68k-amigaos (Darren Coles)
FileSystemStressTest.lha (disk/misc)
Stress tests disks and file systems
m68k-amigaos (Piotr Drapich)
m68k-amigaos (kwwoolridge )
F1GP2024Carset.lha (game/data)
generic (amigaandyfc )
m68k-amigaos (kwwoolridge )