My Setup

At the heart of my ham radio setup is the Yaesu FT-710 Field, a versatile and reliable radio! It's a really fun radio and I enjoy it very much, It's a recent radio I got this month in March. Still been learning everything with it, but it's been a great radio so far.

For my antenna, I've gone with an EFHW (End-Fed Half-Wave) 20-30 FT Sloper. This antenna has proven to be a good choice for my needs, providing pretty good performance across multiple bands. It seems to favor East and West directions and good take off angles, it also picks up very good DX.

In addition to the radio and antenna, my well "simple shack" includes a bunch of monitors, a standing desk configuration, a bunch of computers, with two that run home servers and of course! QSL cards!.

Memorable Experiences

While only being licensed for about a year so far, I've already had countless memorable experiences that have left a good impact on me. The best ones are DX contacts! The thrill of hearing a voice from across the world, knowing that my RF had traversed such long distances, was truly amazing. To this day, it still amazes how you can talk to people super far away with even very low power.

I've also had the fun of engaging in lengthy conversations, or "ragchews," with fellow hams on various topics, ranging from the typical technical discussions to life experiences. These talks have not only expanded my knowledge but have also helped create friendships and connections.


One of the things I love most about radio is the endless opportunity for learning and growth. There's always something new to discover, whether it's learning about a new digital mode, just wanting to see how far your signal can go, or just getting on and talking with people!

I'm constantly looking for ways to expand my skills and knowledge, whether through online places, attending club meetings. though virtually haha. The community is usually very supportive and generous in sharing their expertise, and I'm grateful for the wealth of knowledge I've gained from my fellow hams.


To document my ham radio adventures and share my experiences with others, I've dedicated a section of my overall blog to this hobby. In the

Ham Radio Blog Directory

you'll find a collection *eventually* of articles, stories, and my "rambles" related to my experiences of amateur radio. I might just honestly ramble, but if you find it interesting, then it works haha.

Some of it might be random tutorials and my experiences on digital modes I've used or to personal reflections and tales of memorable contacts, I invite you to explore the posts!

Until next time, 73!


Related Links

Ham Radio Blog

Ham Radio Projects