這時候大約已經過了半小時吧,我必須說:這時候她是蘿柏塔還是茱蒂絲,我已經毫不在乎;她的舉手投足,究竟是新婚之夜的狂喜或手刃仇敵的快感,也不甚重要。她演到一半,我已經不記得她的年齡:五十歲、二十歲、七十歲都無關緊要;她是一團能量,無形無色,曖曖含光,有那麼一瞬間,她叫我聯想到演出「忠貞的王子」的奇斯拉克,叫我想起葛氏的〈演出濕婆〉宣言──「我們不向觀者示現動作;我們邀請他參與某種『巫術』。在這種巫舞中,觀者生動無礙的當下(presence)即演出之一部份。」──宇宙舞神濕婆說:「我沒有名字、沒有形式、沒有行動……我是脈動、運動和節奏。」(MPA 三探,P.111)
Half an hour might have passed by now, I have to say: I do not care whether she is Roberta (the actress) or Judith (the character), nor does it matter whether she is presenting the ecstacy at wedding night, or the pleasure when slaying an enemy. In the middle of performing, she made me forget her age: it does not matter whether it is fifty, twenty or seventy; She is a lump of energy, neither tangible nor visible, just simply shimmering. For a moment, I associated it with Ryszard Cieślak's perform in The Constant Prince and, in particular, the passage from Jerzy Grotowski's “Playing Shiva”: “We do not demonstrate action to the viewer; we invite him... to take part in the ‘Shamanism’ in which the living, immediate presence of the view is part of the playacting.”---Cosmic dancer Shiva says: “I am without name, without form, and without action... I am pulse, movement, rhythm. (Shiva-Gita)” (MPA 三探,P.111)